Thursday, 5 April 2018

What is The Right Way to Clean Print Head of Canon Printer?

Everyone is aware about the print heads of Canon printers that are easy to remove and holds the ink cartridges. People who own a printing machine should grasp the basic requirement of their device. It is essential to print in both black and color at least once a week so that the ink keeps flowing and thus prevent clogging. If you have confronted some technical fault regarding the print head or ink cartridge then call the tech specialists at

Cleaning is important everywhere rather it is to clean printer heads. When your print head nozzles are blocked or dried out, the solution is to dissolve the dried ink. Some of the most important methods for cleaning print heads are mentioned below:

  •    You need to remove the ink tanks and printer head and then seal them in a zip lock or other sealable plastic bag. Keep them aside for some time.

  • Secondly, you have to soak the printer head. But if the print head is badly clogged, let it soak for 3 to 4 hours.

  • After that, flush the printer head with water to make it clear.

  • Thereafter, dry the print head and replace it soon after that. You can try shaking it so as to dry it and set it on folded paper towels to air dry.

  • Now, reinsert the printer head and ink tanks. After that, run a print head cleaning cycle followed by printing a nozzle check pattern for more effective cleaning.

If the issue still not resolved, you can try contacting the best professionals who have maintained their reputation in resolving your each and every issue in a couple of seconds. You just need to dial at Canon Printer Technical Helpdesk in the UK for best as well as affordable solutions. You will never regret hiring them in order to rectify this unwanted situation.

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